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PC Study Bible Version Version 2 Programs

PC Study Bible Version 2 Common Questions and Answers

Below are common questions to running and operating PC Study Bible Version 2.

Can I run my Version 2 on a newer operating system?

Please know that we no longer offer Technical Support on Version 3.3a and earlier, including the Version 2.1 due to a lack of compatibility with newer operating systems. You may be able to get your program to run using the instructions below.

How to Install Version 2.1 on Vista and Windows 7

Read through these instructions carefully to ensure you are doing everything you need to attempt a successful installation.
Please keep in mind that the Version 2.1 was produced between the years 1996 and 1998. It was to run on much smaller computers that ran Windows 95 or 98.
Today's computers are gigantic compared to those earlier systems. One of the hardware items that have gotten much larger are the Hard Drives and it is this enlarging of the Hard Drive that gives the 2.1 Install problems.

There is a trick to get the Version 2.1 to install on systems running Windows XP, Vista (32 bit) or 7 (32 bit). This Version will not run if your Vista or Windows 7 system is running a 64 bit system.)

WARNING: Then installing the 2.1 into an XP, Vista or windows 7 system, there is about an 50% chance of having a successful install. These new systems can be set up several different ways and sometimes the way a system is set up can keep this older program from installing properly.

If you are unable to get your version to run on your new computer, then purchasing a new Version that will run on your new system is the only other options. For more information on Libraries or Programs that will run on your new system or computer, go to the Biblesoft Home Page.

Back to the Version 2.1 Installation.
There is a search that runs and that search was designed to search up to about a 4 GB size Hard Drive. Anything larger than this would cause multiple errors and a failure to get the program to installed. You must cancel this Search which takes place before installation in an effort to avoid any messages that will come up.

To do this:

  1. Close any major programs so the only thing running is Windows
  2. Insert the CD into the disc drive
  3. The first screen of the Install should come up and it will either be a License Agreement or a Welcome to PC Study Bible
  4. If it is the License Agreement, click on Yes to Move on to the Welcome screen
  5. When you see the “Welcome to PC Study Bible” screen, you must do Two Steps
  6. You MUST do these Two Steps fairly rapidly, otherwise the Search that takes place will not get Canceled in time and you will again see several error messages These Two Steps are:
    Click the CONTINUE Button and then Tap the ESCAPE Key. (The ESCAPE Key or ESC Key is located in the upper left corner of most keyboards.)
    So you will Click CONTINUE and then about a second later, Tap the ESC Key
  7. If you have terminated the Search successfully, then you will get a message stating the you have Terminated a Search
  8. Click on Okay
  9. The next screen will say that the search did not find a copy of PC Study Bible on the system and will give the suggestion to install PC Study Bible to C:\PCSTUDY
  10. Click Okay once more an the install of 2.1 should proceed
  11. If you wish to install PC Study Bible to another Drive or Folder, then go to steps 12 and Back Space the C:\PCSTUDY away and type in the desired Drive and Folder name.

Again, these steps don't guarantee a successful install and you may need to purchase a new Library or Stand Alone Program at the Biblesoft Home Page.

WBIBLE caused a General Protection Fault in module ANNOTEUI.DLL at ...

There are two files to this article (annoteui.dll and annotedb.dll).
Do not open them.
Save them to the following folder:
If asked to overwrite existing files, choose YES.
Now try running PC Study Bible again. It should work.

SETUP caused a General Protection Fault in module SETUP.EXE at ... and During the installation of PC Study Bible Version 2, I encountered an error in Module Setup.exe. Is there anything I can try before contacting Technical Support?

Solution 1
This workaround may help: Try installing the program again. This time, when the Search Window appears, click the CANCEL SEARCH button on that box. Cancel the search alone; and do it as quickly as you can. Then continue with the installation. This trick only works for version 2.1 or later (e.g. 2.1C, 2.1H); the only solution for earlier versions is to buy an upgrade from Biblesoft.
If you can't get the mouse on the CANCEL SEARCH button fast enough (some computers are like that), then from the screen which has the CONTINUE button, use your keyboard and hit the ENTER key, followed by the ESCAPE ("Esc") key. Don't pause very long between the two keypresses; 1-2 seconds works best.
If the error is happening during the search, perhaps canceling it will allow the actual installation to take place.

If this doesn't fix the problem, please tell us exactly what error message you get, and the steps you followed up to that message.

Solution 2

While the workaround in **1** above may make it possible to install your version 2.1 on your computer, the fact that you need to use the workaround is part of the reason that all releases of Version 2 are no longer supported by Biblesoft. No release of Version 2 knows how to handle newer hardware and Windows versions.

My Bible Reading Plan keeps telling me I've entered an invalid date. How can I get it to configure a plan?

There are numerous variables that affect the Bible Study Reading Plan. You will first want to check your system's Date Settings.

  2. Double-click REGIONAL SETTINGS.
  3. Select the DATE tab.
  4. The Short Date Style needs to be: M/d/yy
  5. The Long Date Style needs to be "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy"
  6. Click OK if you made any changes.

Reopen the Bible Study Reading Plan, and attempt to configure it again.

  1. Choose the BOOKS tab first. Make sure you have the books you want to read in the "Books to Read" side.
  2. Select the READING PLAN tab. Set this up properly. Make sure each date is entered in according to the Date Style settings. If you attempt to enter a year that is 2000 or greater, you must enter all 4 digits of the number (2002), not just the last two digits (02).
  3. Click CREATE PLAN.

What do the copy macros actually do?

This will place a Scripture in Word 97. The PC Study Bible program must be open for this process to work. On a blank line in Word, type a valid Bible reference (with a proper book title or abbreviation). Leave the cursor on the same line as the Bible Reference. Choose INSERT from the top tool bar, and select SCRIPTURE (or press Alt+I, and select SCRIPTURE). The reference will be instantly inserted into your Word document. The version displayed will be your default Bible Version from PC Study Bible.

This option should be used whenever you have copied Greek or Hebrew texts from PC Study Bible to the Windows Clipboard. Simply switch to Word, position the cursor where you want to paste the text, then select EDIT and choose the PastePCSB menu option.

Format Greek
This can be used if you have accidentally pasted Greek text from PC Study Bible without using the PastePCSB menu option. To use this macro, move the cursor to the beginning of the Greek text, then choose FORMAT and select the GREEK menu option.

Format Hebrew
This can be used if you have accidentally pasted Hebrew text from PC Study Bible without using the PastePCSB menu option. To use this macro, move the cursor to the beginning of the Hebrew text, then choose FORMAT and select the HEBREW menu option.

I've heard there is a way to import Scripture directly to my word processor. How do I set up this Dynamic Data Link?

Instructions to set up the Biblesoft Macros are included in the ReadMe file.
For MS Word 97:
(If you use Word Perfect 8 as your word processor, click here.)

  1. Copy the GetRef97.doc from the \PCStudy\Program sub-directory to the \My Documents (located on the same drive as you Word sub directory).
  2. If you would like direction with this procedure, the following steps will explain how you can copy the file to the proper folder. These steps will only work if you have loaded both programs to their default locations. Although you can copy them over using Windows Explorer, these instructions utilize DOS.
    Choose START, select PROGRAMS and open the MS-DOS PROMPT.
    Type: copy c:\pcstudy\program\ getref97.doc c:\mydocu~1
    Press ENTER.
    Type: exit.
    Press ENTER
  3. From Word, open GetRef97.doc
  4. Select FILE and choose OPEN.
    Double-click GetRef97.doc or single-click GetRef97.doc to highlight it, then click OPEN.
  5. A Macro Virus Warning box may appear. Since this is a safe Macro, click ENABLE MACROS.
  6. Once GetRef97.doc is open, choose TOOLS from the top tool bar.
  7. Select MACRO, then in the side panel choose MACROS.
  8. The Macros box will appear. AddGetBibleRef or AddGetBibleRef.Main should be in the Macro Name window. (If not, select it from the list of Macros below, or call Technical Support.)
  9. Click RUN.
  10. Choose FILE from the top tool bar, and select CLOSE.
  11. When asked to save changes to the document GetRef97.doc, choose NO.

For Word Perfect 8™ :

  1. The file Bible8.wcm has been placed in your PC Study Bible sub-directory. Copy this file to the WordPerfect sub-directory named \OFFICE\WPWIN\MACROS or \COREL\OFFICE7\MACROS or \COREL\SUITE8\MACROS.
  2. If you would like direction for this process, the following steps will explain how you can copy the file to the proper folder. These steps will only work if you have loaded both programs to their default locations. Although you can copy them over using Windows Explorer, these instructions utilize DOS.
    Choose START, select PROGRAMS and open MS-DOS PROMPT.
    Type: copy c:\pcstudy\program\bible8.wcm c:\office\wpwin\macros
    -OR- (If the first line does not work, attempt the second.)
    Type: copy c:\pcstudy\program\bible8.wcm c:\corel\office7\macros
    -OR- (If the second line does not work, attempt the third.)
    Type: copy c:\pcstudy\program\bible8.wcm c:\corel\suite8\macros
    Press ENTER.
    Type: exit
    Press ENTER.
  3. Open WordPerfect 8.
  4. Choose TOOLS and select SETTINGS.
  5. In the Settings dialog box, click on CUSTOMIZE.
  6. In Customize Settings choose MENUS.
  7. Click on EDIT.
  8. In the Menu Edit box click on the MACROS tab.
  9. Click on ADD MACRO.
  10. Locate and select Bible61.wcm, click SELECT.
  11. You will be asked if you want to save macro with full path. Choose YES.
  12. Click OK, then choose CLOSE.
  13. In the Settings Box, choose CLOSE.

With PC Study Bible open, Scripture verses can be automatically imported into your document.
Simply type the desired reference on a blank line in WordPerfect. Then hold down the ALT key and press the "B" key. The macro will also be activated by clicking Bible8 from the top tool bar.

I've installed the Greek-Hebrew Bible, but it disappears after I shut down. How can I keep the Greek-Hebrew Bible as a permanent option?

First, if Windows did not automatically initialize your Greek-Hebrew fonts, then:

  1. Close down your version of PC Study Bible.
  3. Double click FONTS to open the fonts folder.
  4. A list of fonts will now be displayed, hopefully in alphabetical order. Scroll until you can see the fonts named "PCSB GREEK" and "PCSB HEBREW".
  5. After you verify that the fonts are present in the fonts folder, exit from the fonts folder and the Control Panel application group. You have now forced Windows to recognize these fonts.
  6. Now enter your PC Study Bible program.
  7. Click on OPTIONS from the main menu bar.
  9. Scroll down and make sure that the first-listed GRK/HEB version is marked "participate", not "hidden". The second GRK/HEB version can remain "hidden".
  10. You may now exit this window, but remember to SAVE all changes. Your Greek and Hebrew fonts should now remain present.

If you have the Interlinear Bible, and the Greek and Hebrew text is still not visible there, follow these next few steps to remedy the situation:

  1. Open the Interlinear Bible by left clicking the "I" button on your main PCSB screen. (You may choose any verse or default text version)
  2. Choose the "O" button (Display Options) from the right instruction panel.
  3. Left click on "Original Greek-Hebrew" option in the "Available:" list.
  4. Left click on the ">" button transferring the Greek/Hebrew to the "Selected:" list.
  5. Click on the OK button and you should be ready to go.

I've installed the entire PC Study Bible to my hard drive, but every time I start it up, I am prompted to insert my CD. How can I remove this prompt?

  1. Make sure the PC Study Bible application is not running.
  2. Go to the FIND window.
    • Windows 3.1 users:
    • Click on FILE from the top tool bar and select RUN.
    • Type WINFILE on the Command Line.
    • Select FILE from the top tool bar of the FILE MANAGER.
    • Choose SEARCH (the second choice from the bottom)

      Windows 95 users:
    • Choose START from the tool bar.
    • Select FIND, then FILES or FOLDERS

  3. Type the following filename on the Named/Search For line: wbible.ini
  4. In the "Look In" or "Start From" box, select the hard drive where PC Study Bible was installed (the C: drive for most installations). For example, if PC Study Bible is on Hard Drive C, type: C:\ (or select C: from the drop-down list)
  5. Click the FIND NOW or OK button.
  6. After a Search Results window pops up, double click the little icon in front of the wbible.ini file that is NOT identified as a "help file".

SPECIAL NOTE: Double-clicking on the file name will bring up a NOTEPAD window. Only change what these instructions tell you to change. Any unnecessary changes or mistakes could render your program inoperable. If you even think you might have made a mistake during this process, DO NOT try to fix it yourself, or try to change it back. Immediately:

  1. Choose FILE from the top tool bar
  2. Click on EXIT
  3. Choose NO on the "Save Changes" question
  4. Re-enter the NOTEPAD window by following the above instructions

To deactivate the CD prompt:

  1. Find the section in the file that is labeled [CD ROM].
  2. On the line below [CD ROM], remove the drive letter designation after the Drive= statement.
  3. The line should now read: Drive= (Remember: If you make a mistake (like deleting a line) follow the above instructions entitled SPECIAL NOTE to correct the problem.)
  4. If your version of PC Study Bible is higher than 2.1b, do not complete this step!
    • Now locate the [PATH] section.
    • Replace any reference to your CD ROM's drive letter with that of your hard drive letter. If "D" is your CD ROM drive, and "C" is your hard drive, all the lines should point to "C:", not "D:".
    • Carefully make the necessary changes.
  5. Choose FILE from the top tool bar and select EXIT or CLOSE.
  6. You will be asked if you want to save changes to the WBIBLE.INI file. Choose YES.
  7. You can now close the find/search window, and the File Manager

How do I open Thayer’s or Brown-Driver-Briggs€™ Definitions?

Both the Thayer's and the Brown-Driver-Briggs' Definitions can be accessed from the Strong's definition box. Simply display a Strong's definition by highlighting a Strong's number and then clicking on the Strong's button. When the Strong's definition is displayed, press the Space Bar on the keyboard or click on the Space Bar button located on the bottom toolbar. This will allow you to toggle to the Thayer's/BDB's definition. Pressing the Space Bar again will return you to Strong's definition.

How do I print from PC Study Bible Version 2?

  1. Open your PC Study Bible program.
  2. Win95 users skip this step. Use the ALT-TAB key combination to go back to your Program Manager.

  3. To use the ALT-TAB feature: Hold down the ALT button on your keyboard, press and release the TAB button once, then let up on the ALT button. This returns you to the program (Program Manager) you were using just prior to starting PC Study Bible.
    If you have more that two applications running, you can access any of them by doing the following: Press the TAB button two or more times while holding down the ALT button. This will sequentially display the name of each application. Select the application you want to use by letting up on the ALT button when the desired application's name appears on the screen.
  4. From Program Manager, open a word processor, such as Microsoft Word, Corel Word Perfect, Lotus Word Pro, etc. (Also, Windows 3.1 and 95 both contain a built-in word processor, WRITE and WordPad, respectively, both located in the Accessories application group.) You can use any other Windows application that supports pasting of texts and objects from the Windows Clipboard.
  5. Use the ALT-TAB feature to return to your PC Study Bible program. (As described in step 2) You should become comfortable with using the ALT-TAB feature to switch back and forth between two programs.
  6. Open the PC Study Bible reference work from which you want to print (scripture, article, map, etc…).
    • Click on the "C", "P", or "A" button to send the definition, results, map, or item to the clipboard. Each button has a brief description of its use in the right hand Instruction Panel.
    • Or use the mouse to highlight the desired text. Left click on the starting line you want to copy and then drag the pointer up or down to highlight the desired section of text. Then click on the main toolbar button that resembles an Arrow pointing to a Clipboard. This copies the highlighted text to the clipboard.
  7. Use the ALT-TAB feature to switch to your word processor.
  8. In most Windows word processors, you can simply press CTL-V to paste the text from PC Study Bible into you document at the current location of your cursor. Or you can click on "Edit" on the menu bar. This will display the choices in the EDIT drop down menu.
  9. Choose PASTE.

Now you can use the full formatting and printing capabilities of your Windows word processor for the best results when you print your study materials.
A note about Append Mode:
This option in PC Study Bible can be selected from the CLIPBOARD drop down menu on the PC Study Bible menu bar. It allows you to copy more than one item to the clipboard at a time. Just remember, after you print, the information is still stored in your clipboard until you erase it. The PC Study Bible button with an pencil eraser over a clipboard will delete the contents of the clipboard.