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Missing SCU Files

If you are getting an error message that says "Missing SCU Files. Please reinstall or contact Biblesoft.", then try applying the Compatibility Settings for your operating system below.

PC Study Bible Compatibility Settings for Windows Vista & 7:

  1. Do not run PC Study Bible.
  2. Right Click the Icon for PC Study Bible found on the Windows Vista & 7 desk top.
  3. Left Click OPEN FILE LOCATION. If this isn't on the list, try Right Clicking over the name and not the picture.
  4. Look for two files, both are named JOSHUA.
  5. One is JOSHUA.DLL and the other is JOSHUA.EXE.
  6. This second file often is just JOSHUA and it has an icon that looks like the one found on the Windows Vista & 7 desktop.
  7. Right Click this JOSHUA file which has the icon. (Not JOSHUA.DLL)
  8. Left Click PROPERTIES.
  9. Left Click COMPATIBILITY.
  10. Two items will need to have Checks beside them.
  11. Put a Check beside DISABLE DESK TOP COMPOSITION.
  12. Scroll down a few lines, and put a Check mark on RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR.
  13. Click the APPLY Button.
  14. Click the OK Button.
  15. Close the OPEN FILE LOCATION window.
  16. You should be at the Windows Vista & 7 desktop.
  17. Shut down and restart Windows Vista & 7.
  18. Once Windows Vista & 7 has restarted, go ahead and run PC Study Bible.
  19. Windows Vista & 7 may ask you to ALLOW this program to run. Choose ALLOW, or Yes.
  20. You also may get an odd message stating that your system is short on Hard Drive space. Ignore this message and choose YES.
  21. PC Study Bible should start up.

The message about running short of Hard Drive space is a false message. Currently, Biblesoft does not know why this message comes up. But we do know that it is a harmless message. This message will be seen if you're running v4 or early versions of v5.

PC Study Bible Compatibility Settings for Windows 8 or 8.1 (for desktop/touch screen):

  1. Close all major programs, MS Word, PC Study Bible etc.
  2. Look for an Icon along the bottom of the screen that looks like 3 office or manila folders and click it. This will open something called File Explorer.
  3. Note – If there is no such Icon along the bottom bar, then press and hold the Windows Key and then press “E”. (The Windows Key is in the last row of keys on the Keyboard; usually two keys from the left or right of the Space Bar.) Pressing and then releasing these 2 keys together will open File Explorer.
  4. Look for and click/tap on COMPUTER or THIS PC.
  5. Open the LOCAL DISK C:, this may say Windows 8 or OS.
  6. Open the folder named PROGRAM FILES or PROGRAM FILES X86 if your system is running a 64 bit.
  7. Open the BIBLESOFT folder.
  8. Open the folder PC STUDY BIBLE.
  9. Open the folder named, PROGRAM.
  10. Look for two files named JOSHUA.
  11. Ignore the file JOSHUA.DLL.
  12. Right click (or Press and Hold if you are on a touch screen) the JOSHUA file that has the icon.
  13. Choose PROPERTIES from the Menu.
  14. Choose the Tab named, COMPATIBILITY.
  15. Place a check mark next to Run this program in compatibility mode for and select WINDOWS XP (SERVICE PACK 3).
  16. Place a Check mark where it says, RUN THIS PROGRAM AS AN ADMINISTRATOR.
  17. Click the APPLY Button.
  18. Click OK.
  19. Close the open windows until back to the desktop screen.
  20. Restart your computer.
  21. Try opening up PC Study Bible.

The message about running short of Hard Drive space is a false message. Currently, Biblesoft does not know why this message comes up. But we do know that it is a harmless message. This message will be seen if you're running v4 or early Versions of v5.

PC Study Bible Compatibility Settings for Windows 10:

  1. Close all major programs, MS Word, PC Study Bible etc.
  2. Press and hold the Windows Key and then press “E”. (The Windows Key is in the last row of keys on the Keyboard; usually two keys from the left or right of the Space Bar.) Pressing and then releasing these 2 keys together will open File Explorer.
  3. Open the LOCAL DISK C:
  4. Open the folder named PROGRAM FILES or PROGRAM FILES X86 if your system is running a 64 bit
  5. Open the BIBLESOFT folder
  6. Open the folder PC STUDY BIBLE
  7. Open the folder named, PROGRAM
  8. Look for two files named JOSHUA
  9. Ignore the file JOSHUA.DLL
  10. Right click (or Press and Hold if you are on a touch screen) the JOSHUA file that has the icon
  11. Choose PROPERTIES from the Menu
  12. Choose the Tab named, COMPATIBILITY
  13. Place a Check mark where it says, RUN THIS PROGRAM AS AN ADMINISTRATOR
  14. Click the APPLY Button
  15. Click OK
  16. Close the open windows until back to the desktop screen
  17. Restart your computer and after it has come back on, see if PC Study Bible starts up without any problems.

Installation Issues

Issue - I got a message that said I didn't have the correct permissions to install any of my files

This can happen if your antivirus is turned on. Try turning that off and then run the installation file again.
If that doesn't work, then you need to make sure you are install One Touch on the Adminstrators Account and not a Standard/guest Account.

PC Study Bible Doesn't Open or Crashes

Issue - I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but that didn't change the issue. Anything else I can try?

Solution - Yes, you can try deleting any older, hidden files from PC Study Bible:

  1. Close down One Touch.
  2. Click on Start.
  3. For Windows 8/8.1/10 Users - Press and hold the Windows Key and then press E. (The Windows Key is in the last row of keys on the Keyboard; usually two keys from the left or right of the Space Bar.) Pressing and then releasing these 2 keys together will open a File Explorer window.
  4. Click on Computer or This PC for Windows 8/ 8.1/10.
  5. Open the C Drive.
  6. Open the User folder.
  7. You will need to show Hidden Files or Folder which will be different depending on the system you are using. Please click on the link below to show the right folder:
  8. Open the AppData folder when it appears.
  9. Open the Local Folder.
  10. Open the Virtual Store Folder.
  11. Open the Program Files folder, this maybe called Program Files (x86).
  12. Delete the Biblesoft folder. This will get rid of any settings you may have made to One Touch and you will need to make them again.
  13. Go back to the Virtual Store folder. You can do this by clicking on the back button in the upper left corner.
  14. Open the Program Data folder.
  15. Delete the Biblesoft folder. This will get rid of any settings you may have made to One Touch and you will need to make them again.
  16. Empty the Recycle Bin and try opening One Touch.

Issue - PC Study Bible is still crashing. Anything else I can try?

Solution - Yes, you can try apply the settings below:

  1. Close One Touch.
  2. Right Click the Icon for One Touch found on the desktop screen.
  3. Left Click OPEN FILE LOCATION. If this isn't on the list, try Right Clicking over the name and not the picture.
  4. If Open File Location doesn't come up, then press and hold the Windows Key on your keyboard and then press "E"€. (The Windows Key is in the last row of keys on the Keyboard; usually two keys from the left or right of the Space Bar.) Pressing and then releasing these 2 keys together will open a File Explorer window. then open the C:Drive>Program Files or Program Files (x86)>Biblesoft>One Touch>Program>joshua to find the file talked about below.
  5. Look for a highlighted JOSHUA file.
  6. Right Click this JOSHUA file which has the icon. (Not JOSHUA.DLL)
  7. Left Click PROPERTIES.
  8. Left Click COMPATIBILITY.
  9. Two items will need to have Checks beside them.
  10. Scroll down a few lines, and put a Check mark on RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR.
  11. Click the APPLY Button.
  12. Click the OK Button.
  13. Close this window.
  14. Restart the computer for good measure.
  15. Open One Touch and see if it gives you this same message.


The hover box over when the mouse is positioned over a parsing is empty

Solution - You can see the parsing descriptions by double-clicking on the parsing code. If you wish to see the parsings in the hover window, you will need to purchase the BHS/NA27 Parsings product at the Biblesoft store.


I keep getting a message that says "Please insert disc into Drive K:" when I run the installation or go to load One Touch

Solution - Drive K may be a remnant from a Windows upgrade and shouldn't affect anything you have connected or will connect in the future. It may also be due to an External Hard Drive or SD Card Reader connected to your computer. If you have one connected, then try taking it out and see if you get the same message before proceeding.
If you get the message, Please Insert disc into Drive K, follow the instructions below to get rid of that message:

  1. Close down any programs that may be opened.
  2. Unplug any non-essential devices that are plugged into your computer. Essential devices would be keyboard, mouse and printer. Non essential would be card readers or external disc/ hard drives.
  3. Open up your computer's Control Panel. (Click on Start>Search for Control Panel and open it when it comes up)
  4. Open System and Security. If nothing comes up, then skip this step.
  5. Open Administrative Tools.
  6. Open Computer Management.
  7. Click on Disk Management.
  8. Right Click on Drive K.
  9. Left click on Change Drive letter and Path.
  10. Click on Remove.
  11. Click on Yes.
  12. Close down these windows.

If you have any problems when you open One Touch, then try uninstalling and reinstall One Touch.

I keep getting a message asking me to register my Version 5 PC Study Bible, but I'm already registered.

Solution - There are Version 5 Add-Ons that had installed on top of a Version 5 and this message came up when it shouldn't. You can get rid of this message using the instructions below.

First, make sure PC Study Bible is closed.

Second, click on the link below and a web program, like MS Edge, Firefox or Google Chrome, will open: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ye4Tk4yDUca5lVS_cjcMyIi-iGjqw4_3

  1. Left-click on the blue Download button.
  2. Make sure you SAVE the file.
  3. Open your Downloads using the keyboard short CTRL + J.
  4. Right-click on the file called BILDAD.
  5. Left-click on SHOW IN FOLDER or OPEN CONTAINING FOLDER. A window will appear with a highlighted Bildad file.
  6. Right-click the highlighted file called BILDAD.
  7. Left-click on RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR.
  8. Left-click on YES and allow the file to run.
  9. Left-click on YES.
  10. Left-click on OKAY to close this window.
  11. Open PC Study Bible and see if you get the same message.

Text and Font Issues

Click here if you are having problems related to text or fonts.

Change the Devotional

I have tried to change my Devotional, but the changes don't stay put.

Solution - Try taking out the Default.html file in the One Touch program files:

  1. Close down One Touch and click on Start.
  2. For Windows 8/8.1/10 Users - Press and hold the Windows Key and then press E€. (The Windows Key is in the last row of keys on the Keyboard; usually two keys from the left or right of the Space Bar.) Pressing and then releasing these 2 keys together will open a File Explorer window.
  3. Click on Computer or This PC for Windows 8/ 8.1/10.
  4. Click on the Local Disk or C: Drive, may also have (OS) after it.
  5. Double click to open the Program files or Program Files (x86) if you are running a 64 bit system.
  6. Double click to open the Biblesoft folder.
  7. Double click to open the PC Study Bible folder or One Touch if PC Study Bible is not there.
  8. Double click to open the Program folder.
  9. Double click to open the desktop5 folder.
  10. Delete the Default.html file and leave the default0.html file.
  11. Open One Touch again and see if that helps.

Version 5 Lite Edition, Bypass Registration Message

Solution - The Lite 5 has a Register Now message that can be bypassed by going to the file called Caleb:

  1. Close all major programs, MS Word, PC Study Bible etc.
  2. Look for an Icon along the bottom of the screen that looks like an office or manila folders and click it. This will open something called File Explorer.
  3. Note – If there is no such Icon along the bottom bar, then press and hold the Windows Key and then press “E”. (The Windows Key is in the last row of keys on the Keyboard; usually two keys from the left or right of the Space Bar.) Pressing and then releasing these 2 keys together will open File Explorer.
  4. Look for and click/tap on COMPUTER or THIS PC.
  5. Open the LOCAL DISK or C:Drive.
  6. Open the Program Files or PROGRAM FILES (X86) folder.
  7. Open the BIBLESOFT folder.
  8. Open the PC STUDY BIBLE folder.
  9. Open the PROGRAM folder.
  10. Look for the file called CALEB.EXE.
  11. Right click (or Press and Hold if you are on a touch screen) the CALEB file that has the icon.
  12. Choose PROPERTIES from the Menu.
  13. Choose the Tab named, COMPATIBILITY.
  14. Place a Check mark where it says, RUN THIS PROGRAM AS AN ADMINISTRATOR.
  15. Click the APPLY Button.
  16. Click OK.
  17. Right click on caleb with the PC Study Bible icon and a menu will appear.
  18. Take your cursor down to Send To and a second menu will appear.
  19. Left click on Desktop.
  20. Close down the window and look for the PC Study Bible icon. It will say caleb-shortcut under the icon image.
  21. You can rename the file by right clicking directly over the icon and left clicking on Rename.
  22. The text caleb will get highlighted and you can type in PC Study Bible if you would like.
  23. Close the open windows until back to the desktop screen.
  24. Restart your computer and after it has come back on, see if PC Study Bible starts up without any problems.